Should I Buy a Condo?

Once you decide you’re done with renting and are ready to buy or want to downsize, you may notice that there are several options available to you outside of the

Your Future in 20/20: Prioritizing Debt

Chances are that over the years, you’ve built up some debt. You’re not alone. It has been estimated that the average American household is carrying around $130,000 in

Teaching Kids About Money by Age

It’s important to teach your kids about the concept of money but you may be wondering when is the best time to introduce certain topics. Here is a basic list of which

Choosing a Guardian for Your Child

When you have minor children in the house, having some type of guardianship agreement, in the event that something happens to you and your spouse, is extremely

Tips for Buying a Fixer Upper

Fixer uppers have grown in popularity over the years as it allows those on a budget to get into a home in the location of their choice at a much lower cost. However,

Tips for Stress Management

Stress is something that is a part of our everyday lives. It can take a toll on your mental and physical health, making you more susceptible to getting sick. Here are

Even More Tips for First Time Home Buyers

We’re back again with even more tips for first time home buyers. You can see the previous two parts of this series by clicking HERE and HERE.

Before You DIY...

With online resources and TV channels dedicated to home renovation, more people are DIY-ing than ever before. But before you run to the hardware store, check out this

Your Future in 20/20: Retirement Planning

According to a study conducted by Northwestern Mutual, 8 in 10 Americans are worried about their retirement savings with 1 in 5 Americans having no savings at all. While