Fortune Cookie Day

September 13th is National Fortune Cookie Day. While many fortunes are a bit silly, some cookies actually have some decent financial advice. Check out a few of our

Financially Preparing Your Teenager

Those high school years may feel like forever to your teenager, but they’ll be getting ready to leave the nest and set out on their next adventure before you know it.

National Baby Safety Month

September is National Baby Safety Month and whether you’re a first timer prepping for baby or a seasoned parent just looking for a little review, here are some steps you

Road Trip Essentials

We’re about at the half point of summer, but there’s still plenty of time to take that much needed vacation and road trips are a great way to experience the world on

Needs vs. Wants

One important part of financial literacy is teaching your child how to differentiate between needs and wants.

Planning for First Time Parents

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! While you’ve probably already started planning for the crib, clothes, and toys there are a few more (less fun, but

Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is this Sunday and you want to show the mom in your life how much she means to you (because let’s face it, with all of the work that moms do, everyday

National Biking Month

With the weather finally beginning to warm up, chances are, you’ll be spending more time outside. One great way to take advantage of the sunshine is to start biking.

Teaching Financial Responsibility to Children

April is National Credit Union Youth Month, making it a great time to help your children get started down a smart financial path. Here are some steps that you can take