Money Mistakes When Single

When you are single, you are in complete control of where and how your money is being used. While an empowering feeling, it can also lead to pitfalls when there isn’t

Don’t Buy Cheap

Looking for a good deal or bargain shopping is great way to save money. However, there are some items that you shouldn’t skimp on. Here is a list of some everyday items

Who Is a Dependent?

Tax Day will be here before you know it and that means it’s time to start gathering all of the documents and other information you’ll need for filing (if you haven’t

Spotting Amazon Scams

In recent years, Amazon has become one of the most popular online shopping sites in the world. As a result of this, it has also become a popular destination for

Tips for Changing Careers

Deciding to switch careers is a big change. Once you decide to make this transformation, you may not be sure where to start. Here are some tips for changing careers.

Paycheck Checklist

It’s important to make sure you plan and budget so you can maximize each and every paycheck you receive throughout the year. Here is a simple checklist to help you make

Financial Social Media Mistakes

Social media can be a great tool for connecting with friends or family and networking within your job field. However, there are some aspects of social media that may put

Signs You Need a Financial Professional

While you may be able to handle most of your finances on your own, there may be special circumstances where you find yourself in need of some extra help. Here are some

5 Things Every Small Business Needs

CHECKING ACCOUNT When you’re just starting out, you may find it convenient to use your personal checking account to conduct business. However, once your business begins