Blog Rewind - Kids & Finances

Talking with kids about money doesn’t have to be complicated. Over the past few years, we’ve published several blog posts about kids and finances. Check them out by

Financial Questions for your Spouse

In order to make sure you’re on the same page, you should be having regular, sit-down conversations with your spouse to ensure that your finances are on the right track.

Automating Your Finances

One of the easiest ways to make sure your money is going where it needs to go each paycheck is by automation. Here are just some of the ways that you can begin to

Get Organized - Financial Fitness Plan

One of the most essential parts of having healthy finances is making sure they are organized. If you aren’t sure where important documents are kept or even where your

The Sandwich Generation

The ‘Sandwich Generation’ refers to adults who fall between the ages of 30 to 55 who find themselves caring for both aging parents and their own children at the same

Finances on your Smartphone

Managing your finances can be a complicated situation. There are so many accounts and bills, it can be difficult to keep track of everything. However, the answer to your

Build a Budget - Financial Fitness Plan

It’s time to take the next step in your Financial Fitness Plan and build your budget. Yes, budget. A word that often fills people with dread and anxiety. However,

Financial Planning In Your 60's

As you reach your 60's, you are at the point where your career is beginning to wind down. Retirement plans are becoming more concrete and your children are starting

Financial Planning In Your 50's

As you reach your 50's, retirement is no longer that 'far off dream' but a reality just around the corner. Your kids are grown and headed out into the real world. It's