Pay or Save?

Whether it’s a bonus from work, a gift, or even finding a $10 bill on the ground, unexpected money is always a pleasant surprise. So, should that extra cash go towards

National Save For Retirement Week – 30’s

Congress has declared the third week in October to be ‘National Save for Retirement Week’ in order to educate people about the importance of saving for retirement. In

National Save For Retirement Week - 20's

Congress has declared the third week in October to be ‘National Save for Retirement Week’ in order to educate people about the importance of saving for retirement. In

What is Refinancing?

Refinancing is when a person replaces their current mortgage with a new one that features either a lower interest rate or shorter term. When refinancing, the old

Debunking Money Myths

When your finances are doing well, the last thing you want is to derail everything because of some incorrect information. With so many tips & tricks out there, it

Credit Score Improvement Tips

We’ve all heard the term 'credit scores', but do you know what they mean? A credit score, also referred to as a FICO score, is a three-digit number that is generated by

Halfway There

It’s hard to believe, but 2016 is already halfway over. If you set financial goals at the beginning of the year, now is a great time to examine those and see how you are

Weighing the Cost of College

Whether you're fresh out of high school, interested in career advancement, or even a change altogether, you may be thinking about going (back) to college. As a helpful

Paying Off Student Debt

Several realities settle in following college graduation; a real 9-5 job, no more summer vacation, building credit, and, probably the most disheartening, your student