Calculate Net Worth - Financial Fitness Plan

This month, we're going to talk about how to calculate your net worth. This may sound intimidating, but it's actually fairly simple and extremely important to your

Signs That You Overspend

We've all had those times where we go a little over budget. Maybe it's spending a little more than you planned on vacation or perhaps you finally splurged on that new

Build a Budget - Financial Fitness Plan

It’s time to take the next step in your Financial Fitness Plan and build your budget. Yes, budget. A word that often fills people with dread and anxiety. However,

Financial Planning In Your 60's

As you reach your 60's, you are at the point where your career is beginning to wind down. Retirement plans are becoming more concrete and your children are starting

Financial Planning In Your 20's

Every decade of your life brings on new experiences and challenges. The more detailed your financial planning is during these changes, the better prepared you will be

What is Loan Consolidation?

If your New Year’s resolutions include paying off some of that debt that’s been hanging around, loan consolidation may be an option for you.

Common Credit Mistakes

APPLYING FOR SEVERAL CARDS Every time you apply for a new card, an inquiry into your credit takes place. These reviews can stay on your credit report for up to two

How To: Catch Up on Retirement

It is estimated that 1 in 3 Americans have saved little or nothing for retirement. If you find yourself in this type of situation and retirement is just around the

Getting Back on Track

If you spent a little more than you planned this summer, don’t worry. It’s not too late to get your budget back on track. Check out some of the steps you can take to get