Avery Mills

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The Sandwich Generation

The ‘Sandwich Generation’ refers to adults who fall between the ages of 30 to 55 who find themselves caring for both aging parents and their own children at the same

How Much Credit Do You Need?

Having lines of credit is an important aspect of your overall credit report, but can you have too much or too little?

Tips for Doing Taxes

It’s hard to believe, but it’s once again time to start working on your taxes. No matter how many times we've filed before, this date always seems to sneak up on us.

House Fire Prevention Tips

In 2015, the National Fire Protection Association released that every 86 seconds, a residential structure fire was reported. This equals to over 300,000 homes and about

How to: Avoid Ticket Scams

Thanks to the internet, buying tickets to see your favorite teams or performers has never been easier. Unfortunately, this also means that the chances of falling for

America Saves Week - Part Three

Today, we're going to talk all about saving for college. Next to retirement, this can be one of the most stressful and difficult things for which to save. However, you

Comparing Costs - Financial Fitness Plan

This month is all about making additional cuts in your budget through comparing costs. Let’s take a look at some common expenses people face and find ways to cut them

America Saves Week - Part Two

In part two of our ‘America Saves’ series, we’re going to talk a little bit about saving for retirement.

America Saves Week - Part One

Feburary 27th – March 4th is ‘America Saves Week.’ This campaign, sponsored by the non-profit organization Consumer Federation of America, seeks to ‘motivate, encourage,