Avery Mills

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Are You Frugal or Cheap?

Making smart financial choices is great, but at what point do you cross from being frugal to just down right cheap? Here are some of the differences between the two.

Teaching Kids to Save Money

April is National Credit Union Youth Month. In honor of this, we are going to talk about some of the ways that you can get your kids started down the path to a solid

Life After Debt

Congratulations, you’ve finally accomplished the goal of paying off your debt. That weight off your shoulders has disappeared and you now have the freedom to do more of

Tackling Credit Card Debt

When it comes to paying off your credit card debt, you may not be sure where to start. According to NerdWallet, the average American household carries over $16,000 in

Calculate Net Worth - Financial Fitness Plan

This month, we're going to talk about how to calculate your net worth. This may sound intimidating, but it's actually fairly simple and extremely important to your

Signs That You Overspend

We've all had those times where we go a little over budget. Maybe it's spending a little more than you planned on vacation or perhaps you finally splurged on that new

Planning a Home Renovation

Spring and summer are the most popular of times of year for home renovation. Before you start demolition, there are a few things you need to do. Check out our list below

Home Cleaning Checklist

Spring is finally here and it has become a tradition for many people to take advantage of the warmer temps and do some deep cleaning in their home. While this is a great

What Are Charitable Contributions?

Charitable contributions are money or goods that you donated during the previous calendar year. These can then be turned into tax deductions. According to the IRS