Avery Mills

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How To: Find an Apartment

Searching for an apartment can be a stressful situation. Whether it's the first time on your own or you're a seasoned renter, you still have to deal with the same

Online Shopping Cleanse

If it feels like not a day goes by where you don’t receive some type of home shopping delivery, it may be time to take a look at your online shopping habits. Here are

Unexpected Costs of Home Buying

When you buy a home, you know you’ll have to save for a down payment and make a monthly mortgage payment. However, there are several other aspects that you will need to

How To: Report Fraud

No matter how much we prepare, there is still a chance that we may become the victim of fraud. If it happens to you, you'll want to make sure you are ready to report it

Check Your Credit Report - Financial Fitness Plan

WHAT IS A CREDIT REPORT? A credit report is a comprehensive summary of a person’s credit. It is often used as the deciding factor in whether or not you will receive the

Construction & Lot Loans

Ready to build the home of your dreams? Cyprus Credit Union can help. Your time is valuable and that's why we offer construction loans and permanent financing in one

Paying Too Much for a Home

Many first time home buyers find themselves paying more for a house than it’s worth. There are several reasons for this, here are some of the biggest:

Behind the Scenes - Mortgage Process

While you will work almost exclusively with your home loan advisor, there is a whole team working on your mortgage behind the scenes. Learn more about who these people

City Living vs. The Suburbs

Before looking at homes, you need to make the decision on where you would rather live: the city or the suburbs. Here is a quick pros & cons list that you should take