Blog Rewind - Kids & Finances

Talking with kids about money doesn’t have to be complicated. Over the past few years, we’ve published several blog posts about kids and finances. Check them out by

Merging Your Money with Your Marriage

Finances are one of many things couples should address before saying “I do.” Here are 3 important factors to discuss with your partner leading up to the big day.

The Sandwich Generation

The ‘Sandwich Generation’ refers to adults who fall between the ages of 30 to 55 who find themselves caring for both aging parents and their own children at the same

Planning for First Time Parents

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! While you’ve probably already started planning for the crib, clothes, and toys there are a few more (less fun, but

Teaching Financial Responsibility to Children

April is National Credit Union Youth Month, making it a great time to help your children get started down a smart financial path. Here are some steps that you can take