Build a Budget - Financial Fitness Plan

It’s time to take the next step in your Financial Fitness Plan and build your budget. Yes, budget. A word that often fills people with dread and anxiety. However,

Financial Planning In Your 60's

As you reach your 60's, you are at the point where your career is beginning to wind down. Retirement plans are becoming more concrete and your children are starting

Financial Planning In Your 50's

As you reach your 50's, retirement is no longer that 'far off dream' but a reality just around the corner. Your kids are grown and headed out into the real world. It's

Financial Planning In Your 40's

As you reach your 40's, your life will continue to change. This is also the time when most people begin to enter their peak earning years. Take a look at some of things

Financial Planning In Your 30's

Your 30’s bring on some big changes in your life. From career advancement to weddings to new family additions, your finances need to adapt in order to keep up. Here is a

Financial Planning In Your 20's

Every decade of your life brings on new experiences and challenges. The more detailed your financial planning is during these changes, the better prepared you will be

What is Loan Consolidation?

If your New Year’s resolutions include paying off some of that debt that’s been hanging around, loan consolidation may be an option for you.

The 52 Week Money Challenge

How would you like to end the year with an extra $1,378 in savings? It may be simpler than you think with the 52 Week Money Challenge.

Set a Goal - Financial Fitness Plan

Before starting down any financial path, you need to decide what your goal is. Maybe it’s paying off your student loans. Or perhaps it’s starting an emergency savings