Avery Mills

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Planning for Retirement


What NOT to Ask in an Interview

After sending out dozens of resumes, you’ve finally landed that coveted interview. You know the job description inside & out, have the perfect outfit, and a great

Credit Score Improvement Tips

We’ve all heard the term 'credit scores', but do you know what they mean? A credit score, also referred to as a FICO score, is a three-digit number that is generated by

Home Construction Loans

Do you have plans to build the home of your dreams? Do you want to purchase a lot to begin building? Is your current home in need of a remodel? Cyprus Credit Union is

Needs vs. Wants

One important part of financial literacy is teaching your child how to differentiate between needs and wants.

Feeding Utah 2016

Did you know that an estimated 423,000 Utahns don’t know where they will be getting their next meal? This number is equal to about 14% of the state’s population.

Types of Mortgages

Cyprus Credit Union offers a wide range of products to assist our members when it comes to buying a home. With some of the lowest rates and fees in the industry and our

Halfway There

It’s hard to believe, but 2016 is already halfway over. If you set financial goals at the beginning of the year, now is a great time to examine those and see how you are

Organizing Your Job Search

Searching for a new job can be a frustrating time for anyone. The best thing to do (mostly for your own sanity) is to be as organized as possible from the get go. Here