What is a Mortgage Appraisal?


Patio & Deck Care Tips

Summertime. It's officially time to break out the barbecue and enjoy spending time outside. A great place to spend time with family and congregate with friends is an

Explaining a Mortgage Agreement

There are several documents included in the mortgage application process. In this post, we'll take a closer look at one of them: the mortgage agreement.

What Are FHA Loans?

Cyprus Credit Union offers a wide range of mortgage options to assist our members in buying a home. Our programs cover every option from the first time buyer to a

How To: Have a Savings Account While You're in College

Approximately a year ago, when I was living in Los Angeles, I turned to my close friend and asked her if she had a savings account…she laughed…loudly. I then broke into

Make Moving Easier

Moving can be a difficult experience. Not only are you physically moving your entire life, but you're also leaving friends and the place where you’ve made so many

Millennials & Mortgages

There are about 66 million millennials in this United States.

How To: Find an Apartment

Searching for an apartment can be a stressful situation. Whether it's the first time on your own or you're a seasoned renter, you still have to deal with the same

A College Student's Guide: Building Credit

There are so many new things to learn about the world of “adulting.” One confusing and important topic is building credit. Credit is often the underlying factor of