If you aren't familiar with credit cards, you may find some of the terms that they use can be kind of confusing. Here are some common credit terms that everyone should
For many people, credit cards are a central part of their spending habits. While building a positive credit history and racking up rewards is great, you may want to
There are several options out there when it comes to selecting a credit card and it’s important to make sure that you’re using the right one for you. Here are some signs
One of the most important parts of credit is learning how to use it correctly. Doing so will keep your credit score high and help you be approved for loans, jobs, and
You’ve finally paid off that credit card that’s been hanging over your head for months (or maybe even years). Now the question is; should you cancel the card so it
When it comes to paying off your credit card debt, you may not be sure where to start. According to NerdWallet, the average American household carries over $16,000 in
At first glance, a credit card and debit card appear almost identical. They’re the same shape & size; they both have a 16 digit card number, and a signature.
APPLYING FOR SEVERAL CARDS Every time you apply for a new card, an inquiry into your credit takes place. These reviews can stay on your credit report for up to two
With the holiday’s right around the corner, the amount of your online shopping may be increasing. While this is a super convenient way to get all of your shopping done,