5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before a Purchase

While there are some expenses that may not require much thought, such as groceries, gas, or bills, some bigger buys may require a bit more consideration. Here are five

Pre-Wedding Financial Checklist

Your pre-wedding checklist probably includes items such as selecting a venue, choosing your wedding colors, and sending out invitations. However, there are a few more

Budget Motivation

One of the major reasons that people have trouble sticking to their budget is because a budget can be abstract. By using methods of motivation or incentives, you can

Living Your Best Financial Life - Young Teen

For young teens, they finally have ways of earning a little extra money, such as babysitting or mowing lawns in the neighborhood. As the amount of money they have access

Life After Bankruptcy

The decision to file for bankruptcy is often not an easy one. Rebuilding after bankruptcy can be even more difficult. Not only are you having to deal with several

Taking Control of Credit

Thanks to technology, it’s easier than ever before to use credit. Now we don’t even have to carry our cards with us thanks to mobile pay and card numbers being stored on

Coping with Financial Stress

Coping with financial stress can take a toll on anybody’s life. Here are a few ideas to help you start finding ways to combat the pressure that often comes along with

How To: Stop Overspending

With the arrival of the New Year, now is a great time to examine some of your habits, especially when it comes to money. Many Americans find themselves in the

Checking Account Fees

A checking account can be a great convenience. You have easy access to your money, paychecks can be directly deposited, and bills can be set to be paid automatically.