What Impacts Your CD's Interest Rate?

A certificate of deposit (also called a "CD" or "certificate") usually offers a higher interest rate than a traditional savings account. However, there are several

Is a Money Market Right for You?

For many, a money market account (MMA) is kind of like a glorified savings account. It’s easy to see why. Like savings accounts, MMAs enjoy good liquidity with higher

Know Your Loan Lingo: Amortization

Knowing your lingo will help you stay well-informed while going through the loan process. One term you might hear is amortization. Let’s take a minute to break down this


When opening accounts and applying for loans, you may see the terms APR and APY. If you haven’t gone through either of these processes, you may not be sure what they

Pay or Save?

Whether it’s a bonus from work, a gift, or even finding a $10 bill on the ground, unexpected money is always a pleasant surprise. So, should that extra cash go towards