Calculate Net Worth - Financial Fitness Plan

This month, we're going to talk about how to calculate your net worth. This may sound intimidating, but it's actually fairly simple and extremely important to your

Comparing Costs - Financial Fitness Plan

This month is all about making additional cuts in your budget through comparing costs. Let’s take a look at some common expenses people face and find ways to cut them

Build a Budget - Financial Fitness Plan

It’s time to take the next step in your Financial Fitness Plan and build your budget. Yes, budget. A word that often fills people with dread and anxiety. However,

Set a Goal - Financial Fitness Plan

Before starting down any financial path, you need to decide what your goal is. Maybe it’s paying off your student loans. Or perhaps it’s starting an emergency savings

Financially Fit in 2017

Get your finances in shape in the new year with Cyprus Credit Union’s 12 month Financial Fitness Plan, featuring a monthly money work out that is easy to achieve.