In this edition of our blog round-up, we're going to take a look back at some of our favorite posts from May through August. Check them out below:
Experiences vs. Things
It’s important to make room in your budget for “fun” stuff. Budgets without room for things like going to see a movie, buying a pair of shoes, or going on vacation are more likely to fail. So what should that "fun" money be prioritized toward for the greatest impact? Experiences or things?
A College Student's Guide: Building Credit
There are so many new things to learn about the world of “adulting.” One confusing and important topic is building credit. Credit is often the underlying factor of whether or not you will get your first car, first apartment, and, eventually, your first home. Here are a few tips for first time credit builders on using credit cards to your advantage.
Dos and Don’ts of Backyard Improvement
For many people, summer is the time of year when backyard maintenance is a top priority. Especially so when they are getting ready to put their home on the market. Before making any concrete plans, however, check out our list of dos and don'ts for your backyard improvement projects.
Home Fixes for Under $100
Want to do some summer upgrades on your home but feeling a little cramped by your budget? Here are some ideas for easy fixes around the house that won’t break the bank.