As the summer begins, high school graduates and college students alike are planning out their future college careers. Some students are planning on attending public universities, some private, and some community colleges. While there are so many options on where to go, one of the biggest decisions is where to live: the city or the suburbs.
For many, the city is incredibly enticing. The city presents an overflow of opportunity with its high levels of challenging yet rewarding internships, endless amounts of dining options, diverse cultures, shorter commutes, more networking opportunities, and a multitude of entertainment options. Living in the city will never put a limit on the opportunities available to you; however, city living will put a limit on your budget.
The city can be extremely expensive and distracting, especially for college students. Cyprus Credit Union wants to give college students a few quick tips on living in the city as a student without breaking the bank.
Creating a budget for yourself is one of the most important things you can do. It can be tremendously intimidating looking at your bank account as a college student. A lot of the time, you never know what number is going to pop up on your screen when you log onto your bank account. By listing the amount you should be spending on rent, your car payment, car insurance, food, and fun activities for the month, you can easily decrease the anguish and anxiety that may run through your body every time you log on. Be specific and adjust your budget monthly depending on your needs.
As mentioned above, the city can be very distracting. Being in the city is like being exposed to thousands of walking advertisements daily. You start to think you NEED material possessions that you absolutely do not. If you’re going out on a shopping trip, write down things you DON’T need first and then write down what you need. It is a great reminder not to get off track and will prevent you from drifting from your set budget.
For a few of the lucky ones, a part time job will not be needed during their college careers. Even for those few, it is imperative that they get an internship or two whilst in college. If you do need to or want to work while you’re in college, try to pick a job or internship that will help you grow and prepare you for life after college. Sadly, having your degree is not cutting it when it comes to pursuing a career after college. In order to have an all-star resume to present to future employers, put in extra work to get a job/internship that will be worthwhile.
Many campuses have free student activities as well as free programs such as tutoring…take advantage of these opportunities! Go on your campus website or visit your college’s resource center to get more information. Why spend money on a tutor when your university will provide one for you? There are also a lot of student discounts you can take advantage of so carry your student ID with you wherever you go.
Once that direct deposit hits your checking account, you may feel much wealthier than you actually are. Instead of going out on a shopping spree, organize your money by setting your money for bills in a separate account and putting money into your savings. This will ensure you won’t be stressed about paying your bills at the end of the month by keeping you responsible to your budget.
Living in the city as a college student will be a challenge. You may not get the less expensive rent and small amount of traffic as you would by living in the suburbs, but you will get an extensive amount of career and entertainment options. If you feel you’re up for the challenge of college student city living, these tips are here to prepare you.