Avery Mills

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2017 End of Year Financial Moves

As we prepare to say goodbye to one year and hello to another, it’s time to make some of those end of year financial moves. Here are some ideas to help you get next year

Establish Financial Calendar – Financial Fitness Plan

How Long Will Your Retirement Savings Last?

One important consideration to take into account when planning your retirement is how long you will need to the money to last. Obviously, none of us have a crystal ball

Pros and Cons of Automatic Payments

Setting your bills to be paid automatically can help take a lot of stress out of your financial planning. However, before setting them up, take a look at some of the

Checking Account Fees

A checking account can be a great convenience. You have easy access to your money, paychecks can be directly deposited, and bills can be set to be paid automatically.

What To Do With a Raise

You’ve just received a raise or a promotion at work. Congratulations! Now that you have a little extra cash flowing in, what should you do with a raise? Here are some

How To: Be In The Moment

Have you ever felt like life was just passing by and you never really take a moment to enjoy what's going on around you? With so many distractions in the world, it can

Withdrawing from 401(k) Early

For many people, a 401(k) or retirement savings can be difficult. It's often seen as money that's just sitting there and you can't use it for another couple of decades.

Changing How You Use Your Paycheck

It can be incredibly frustrating when it feels like you're living paycheck to paycheck each month. While it's a tough cycle to break out of, there are some steps you can