Funding Your Future - Cyprus CU Blog

Blog Rewind – Retirement

Written by Cyprus Credit Union | Jul 1, 2021 2:00:00 PM

Whether retirement is right around the corner, or several years down the road, planning ahead is important for each person’s financial journey. These blog posts will help you make sure you are prepared for retirement.

How To: Catch Up on Retirement

A large number of Americans don’t have enough saved for their retirement. If you find yourself worried about how you will pay for retirement, there are a few ways you can work to fund your retirement before you leave your career.

Retirement Check-up

Even if you have been working to save for your retirement, making sure you are on track is also important. If you haven’t evaluated your savings methods and amounts recently, you may want to consider these questions to make sure you are able to retire when you are ready.

What You Need to Know: Working During Retirement

Working after you retire is becoming more common, but there are some things to consider before deciding if it is the right option for you. Make sure you have thought through these topics, or consult with a financial advisor to discuss before you make any major changes.

Credit Score in Retirement

Although you may not think you need to worry about your credit score once you retire, it is still important in a few ways. Whether to maintain financial safety nets in case of emergency, or to protect yourself from identity theft, your credit score will play and important role even after you have left the workforce.

Retirement Withdrawal Mistakes

After all the time spent saving for your golden years, the last thing you want is to make a costly financial mistake. Knowing these common mistakes before you make them will help save you from stress once you are on a fixed income.