Having and using credit responsibly will help build your teen's credit score. This score determines whether or not they will be able secure loans, jobs, apartments, and more. Sit down and explain credit scores with your teens as well as the factors that help it go up and down. Misusing their card now can affect their score for years to come.
Unlike a debit card, a credit card is using money that you may not necessarily have. Teach your teen about staying under 30% of their credit limit (this will help keep their score high) and not buying anything that they don't have a plan for paying off.
What will this card be used for? Is it for emergencies only? Maybe it's for school expenses. Whatever it may be, sit down with your teen and let them know what your expectations are for the card, especially if they are an authorized user on your account.
A Cyprus Credit Union Teen Visa is a great way for teens under 18 to learn the value and power of credit. Here's how:
To apply for a card, you can either call (801) 260-7700 or visit any of our branches.