Funding Your Future - Cyprus CU Blog

Coping with Financial Stress

Written by Avery Mills | Jan 18, 2018 4:44:09 PM

Coping with financial stress can take a toll on anybody’s life. Here are a few ideas to help you start finding ways to combat the pressure that often comes along with dealing with money.


If you don’t already have one, now is the time to write one. Every last penny should be accounted for when coming up with a budget. Make the hard cuts for the time being, such as going out to eat, streaming services, etc. This isn’t permanent, just until you get on solid footing. When you are first starting out, plan your budget out one month at time. This will help maintain your focus where it should be and not worrying about the future. Visit your budget often to make sure you are still on track. Find a way to hold yourself accountable to help avoid slip-ups.


Get as much sleep as possible, eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and try and find outlets to escape your stress. Talk to friends and family. You don’t need to go into details about what’s happening, but just the reassurance that they have your back no matter what may help. Identify behaviors that may be detrimental to your overall health and come up with ways to combat them.


This can be looked at in a few ways. First, you could look into hiring a credit counselor. They will help you come up with a workable budget and make a plan to get out of debt. Many reliable credit counselors are non-profit and can be accessed in-person, online, or over the phone. Do your research before selecting anyone or paying any fees. Second, you can look into taking some money management classes. Third, you can work with a therapist to find ways to help you cope with your stress. Everyone is different and what works for one person may not necessarily help another. Just having someone to talk to that has a different perspective on the situation can sometimes make a huge difference.