With this cash based method, every item on your budget has a set amount that you will spend each month. Have an envelope for each of your expenses and fill it with the correct amount of cash. You can then only use that cash for the item listed on the envelope and once it’s empty, you can no longer spend money on that category.
This budget has the goal of learning how to spend your money in a thoughtful way. Which means every cent is accounted for each month. Whether it’s being used to pay bills, going into savings, or used for expenses, you should have zero dollars left over at the end of month.
With this method, you split your expenses into three different categories and then use the following to pay for them:
If you need help tracking a budget, apps are a great alternative to more traditional methods. Some apps can track your spending for you and then help you build a budget. Once you have a budget in place, the app will keep track of how much money you spend in each category. No two apps are the same, so do your research to find what is going to fit your goals the best.