Funding Your Future - Cyprus CU Blog

How To: Transition Between Jobs

Written by Avery Mills | Nov 29, 2016 6:36:58 PM

Changing jobs is an exciting time, but it can also lead to a tremendous amount of stress for all parties involved. The job you’re leaving may still be looking for a replacement, trying to balance your duties amongst other employees. The job you’re moving to could potentially already have a list of tasks waiting for you that gets longer by the day. Finally, you’re juggling with the many emotions associated with the ending of one chapter of your life and beginning of another. Here are some things you can do to help make the transition between jobs as smooth as possible.


While most people automatically think leaving a job means giving your ‘two weeks’ notice’ more time may be required. Don’t burn a bridge and leave your soon to be former employer in a pinch. Also, be prepared for the chance your employer might let you go sooner than you planned.


Even if you hate everything about your job; the boss, your co-workers, the commute, or even the terrible coffee in the break room, don’t tell people that. Plan a professional response to those you work with who may ask why you are leaving. Remember, this isn’t your chance to bash your current company; they still work there after all. You don’t want to leave on bad terms with someone who could be a great connection in the future.


Once you leave your current position, you will most likely lose access to anything related to your work. So take time during your final weeks to save anything that is important to you or that you may need in the future. This could include emails with contact information you still need, examples of your work, or performance reviews. Do NOT take secured/confidential information or anything that belongs to the company. There could be serious consequences as a result of this and it’s not worth putting your future at risk.


Attempt to finish up any projects or assignments you are currently working on. You don’t want to leave your boss or co-workers to clean up your mess. Remember to let any contacts know you will be leaving the position and who they can contact in the future.


If you know someone is coming in to take over your job, see if it’s possible for you to train them. If time doesn’t permit for in person training, leave behind a detailed list of what your day to day tasks involve.